Happy Anniversary to me! That’s right – one year ago, I launched my blog and I thank everyone who has read it, commented on it, subscribed to it, and shared it. It has been a good year, and I’m glad you’ve joined me as I’ve stitched together more patches of my life through travel, discovery, and reminiscing.
I decided to celebrate this occasion as a couple might celebrate their one year anniversary, so in checking the web to see what exactly the gift theme is, I’ve discovered that even card companies, self-anointed anniversary gift authorities, and commercial purveyors of guilt can’t totally agree on the theme. Oh sure, they all indicate paper is the traditional gift, but then I find both clocks and plastic on the modern list. Now I don’t know about you, but plastic is never a symbolic gift of love and commitment as far as I’m concerned. Well, unless of course, it’s a credit card – now that’s a whole ‘nother type of plastic. So I’m going to celebrate by purchasing some paper for the printer and change a watch battery – wahoo – life is good!
To recap the year, I’ve had 55 posts, which is amazing to me, really – who knew I had that much to say! Some are certainly better than others, but I’ve still not hit the delete key on any of them.
The most and least viewed posts have surprised me – sometimes it’s the title, subject, time of day (or week) the blog hits your inbox or Facebook – all sorts of things I imagine. To read them, simply click on the link.
The most viewed:
Finding Life in the Cemetery
Can You Ever Have Too Much Nice?
When Marriage Inequality Impacts Your Family
The least viewed:
Wrapped in Rock – Zion National Park http://mypatchworkjourney.com/wrapped-in-rock-zion-national-park/
Slice of Americana
Releasing My Inner Cowgirl
This next year, I am looking forward to making some changes in the site, so not only do I hope you’ll stay with me, but help me expand my list of subscribers as well. Please feel free to always forward any post you see, and invite others to subscribe. And by all means, if you haven’t already subscribed, consider doing so. A link to each post is delivered to your inbox for you to open or delete, as the spirit moves you. I try for a weekly post, but when traveling, this might be more often or less frequent – depending on internet access and operator energy.
Anyway, thanks again…any suggestions to make this a better site, or things you’d like to see more (or less) of, let me know. And finally, a huge thanks to the readers who are willing to message me and say “hey, I think you left out a word…” or some other stupid mistake I’ve made, usually in haste. Everyone needs a proofreader.
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2. Hover the cursor over the word Comments and click open the box that says Enter your Comment.
3. After writing your comment, go to the box that says Comment As and choose Anonymous from the pull down menu.
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Happy Anniversary!! I've enjoyed reading your blog and look forward to reading more. 55 posts in a year is impressive!
Congratulations. I've enjoyed your posts, so I'll keep sticking with you. I would anyway. Your sister J.
Congratulations Pam on your one year anniversary! I have very much enjoyed following you through out this past year. I look forward to reading your future blogs. I'm sure you have plenty in store for us.
Congrats Pam! I look forward to your posts they seem to brighten up my day 🙂
Thanks Michelle. I consider you one of my birth coaches because you helped me get it off the ground and give some life to it. It's fun so far.
Thanks J. I appreciate your support – always. And your feedback, too.
Great to hear this Alissa. You and others will find themselves in a post someday, I assure you – but I can't tell you what it is just yet – but you'll know it when you read it.
Thanks for alerting your classmates from VHS to this, Pam. I look forward to reading all of your blogs over time. Best Wishes. Laura Walby/Laurie Weichelt
Thanks Laurie. Glad to have you, and hopefully others, on board as readers. I take a trip down memory lane occasionally and visit a delightful small town in Wisconsin.
Thank you. I will do my best to continue to write posts that enlighten, entertain and occasionally make you think about things differently.
Congrats…..where was this creativity when you lived next door?
Joanne, it was there and that's where it started. It just happened to get used up every day when I went to work. Thanks for the comment.