The sun was high and my mouth was dry. It was 92 degrees, and fortunately, the humidity had dropped a bit, so it only felt like 95. But I was bound and determined to get that walk in. Step by step, against the black asphalt. Why was I doing this to myself, much less at the hottest part of the day? Two reasons. Reason One. I savored every single bite of a Coney dog for lunch. And so it didn’t feel lonely on the plate, I ordered a side of fries – extra crispy, of course. In case you’re not Continue Reading
Five Chefs Walked Into a Bar…
Recently, I grilled some romaine lettuce. You see, I’ve been watching too many Food Network Shows, and decided it was time to overcomplicate my dinner. While I grilled the romaine, and then gagged it down, I asked myself, who the heck comes up with these ideas? And then I figured it out… Five celebrity TV chefs walked into a bar. Billy Bob, the leader of the grill said, "I have a new drinking game I want to play. The game is called 'Who can top this', and the object is to make up a new way to Continue Reading
If Cats Could Talk
When this ad came across my Facebook timeline a couple of weeks ago, I almost spit out my kibble. Temptations Made a Collar That Finally Gives Your Cat a Human Voice, So It Can Talk to You “The Temptations Catterbox, created by London ad agency adam&eveDDB, contains a microphone, speaker, Bluetooth technology and wifi. It captures the cat's meows and translates them into human speech—words that may or may not actually be what they're trying to say.” With a nod to Button, The Duchess, Continue Reading
When Fun and Fear Collide
Yesterday, we took a delightful drive to Park City, Utah. I was looking forward to the beautiful scenery, the main street filled with cutesy shops, and a nice lunch along the way. Then Heidi, a mutual friend, sent the text. “Check out the bobsled.” Kathy (the athlete, as excited as can be): “Let’s do the bobsled? Do you want to? Really, it will be so much fun? Want to? Let’s do it!” Pam (assuming the bobsled was nothing much more than a tricked out county fair ride constructed with Continue Reading