Did you know Nova Scotia means New Scotland? Did you know mackerel are caught to be used as lobster bait? Did you know freshly fried haddock tastes nothing like Mrs. Paul’s fish sticks? Ahhh, education. Such is the joy of travel. Yep, we’ve landed in Nova Scotia and have begun our vacation in a fish feeding frenzy. No, we are not feeding the fish, but since Thursday afternoon, we’ve had fried haddock, scallops, lobster rolls, seafood chowder, salmon and fish cakes. Seriously, as a kid Continue Reading
Rickie Nelson, Respun
Most families are home from summer vacations, and if the kiddos aren’t in school yet, they soon will be. You know what that means? Fewer cars on the highways, easier access to museums and parks, and shorter lines at ice cream stands and rest rooms. You know what else it means? It’s time for me to hit the road; time for another adventure.I'm a travelin' (wo)manI've made a lot of stops all over the world And in every part I left my heart With at least one lovely twirl.(Slightly rewritten Continue Reading
The AB Seas of Greece
Our travel agent, Joy, of Classic Travel in Okemos, Michigan, really encouraged us to take our recent cruise. Not that we needed a push as we were already considering Mediterranean cruises, but she wanted us to take this specific cruise, because it would give us the chance to visit Santorini and Mykonos. Mama Mia, am I glad we listened. I've chosen to write about Greece last because as I reflect on the entire trip and time in Italy, Turkey and Greece, I have finally decided, Greece was my Continue Reading
Pompeii – Well Worth The Trip
Pompeii. I had a brief recollection of it but to be honest, it had been filed in the deeper recesses of my brain, so long ago, I couldn't tell you much about it. But friends here at home and on the cruise told us “You must visit Pompeii. You’ll be blown away by it”. And I was. If your mind is at all like mine, let me dust it off a bit. Pompeii was a city of south of Naples, Italy, that was obliterated by the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in A.D. 79. That’s right – 2094 years ago. It was covered with Continue Reading