Did you know the traditional gift theme for the second anniversary is cotton? I didn’t until I looked it up last week. I love that kind of research that is generally useless unless you’re on a trivia team. But why did I need to know? Last week, I celebrated the two-year anniversary of the publication of my first book, Carrie’s Quest. I celebrated by buying more cotton quilting fabric. I launched the book at the start of the pandemic, with extravagant plans for a book tour, aware that Continue Reading
Get outta my head, Paula Abdul
Insomnia. Who doesn't suffer from it occasionally? It is the frustrating inability to get to sleep, stay asleep, or go back to sleep after waking up too early. Many times, it’s caused by stress or anxiety, but not always. It would be safe for me to say that every single post-menopausal woman I know (okay, maybe not every one) wrestles with insomnia, and stress or anxiety doesn’t play into it. Not every night, maybe not every week, but often enough to have it dictate what they’re preparing for Continue Reading
Rose Parade
From the Hare Krishnas beating their drums to the fleet of horns-a-blaring, lights-a-flashing tow trucks, the 2022 Rose Parade was everything I could have imagined. To be clear, the Hare Krishnas, followed by the Jesus Saves group, were not official entries. And there was little chance my soul would be saved that day with what I muttered when the alarm sounded at 4:30. However, they did provide some pre-parade distraction along the route while we waited. The tow-trucks however, were the Continue Reading
Dreaming of a White Christmas
There I was, sitting in row three of the balcony, dead-center. It was the Phoenix Symphony Holiday Concert with the Phoenix Choir, and within seconds of the start of the song, tears began to form. Soon, I was searching for Kleenex in my purse to dab those I couldn’t blink back. The top of my mask absorbed the runaways. I never got close to a sob, but I felt my bottom lip quiver. Fortunately, the tears were gone by the final note. “I’m dreaming of a white Christmas, just like the ones I used Continue Reading