As soon as I was on the path from my car to the cabin, a snake slithered across the grass in front of me. I was so busy swatting the black cloud of biting gnats heading my direction, I almost missed it. Undeterred, I walked up the five steps to the porch and before I unlocked the door, I spotted the bat tucked into the corner of the porch ceiling. Great, just great. I was truly in the woods for the next six nights. Early that evening, I heard a slight scratch on the screen door and as I Continue Reading
Can You Ever Go Home Again?
Can you go home again? What does that even mean to you? Would you want to return if you could? I think it all starts with how you define home. Is it the physical place where you live, or perhaps a social unit formed by a family living together? Maybe it’s your place or origin. If you said any of those, you are in line with the Merriam-Webster dictionary. I pose this question because this week, I am going home. As in my place of origin… sort of. My family moved frequently during the first Continue Reading
The Value of Value
In March, 2015, I met with the priest of a small Episcopal church in our area about helping them out in the office while they sought a permanent office manager. A friend of mine who attends the church had told me they were “desperate” and though typically, that is never a word you should use to attract good candidates, I felt I could keep things afloat for two or three months max. Then I’d be done. Out of there. Sayonara. Adios. The priest didn’t like my proposal. She either wanted me Continue Reading
Writer’s Retreat – Part 1
Perhaps “family friendly” should have been a clue. Perhaps it was and I chose to ignore it. Kids stay free… Great site for family reunions… Something for everyone. That last part is true unless of course, you’re a struggling writer looking for a quiet place to replenish your soul with meaningful words that flow easily onto the page. Instead, I found myself dodging dripping ice cream cones, shrieking to the peals of children laughing and crying, and overdosing on constant parental Continue Reading