A couple of weeks ago, I posted on Facebook a rather negative opinion of a movie I’d seen. Friends soon replied. “Thanks, I’m crossing it off my list.” “Glad I haven’t bothered to go see it.” “Thanks for the warning.” Within a few hours, I felt sort of bad. Maybe they would have liked it? By morning, another friend added this comment. “Loved this beautiful film.” Now I felt guilty. I had impulsively expressed my opinion when I compared the pace of the movie to watching Continue Reading
The Winter Olympics of My Youth
When I am reunited with my father in heaven, one of the the first questions I’m going to ask is this: Why the heck did you get me a pair of used, brown hockey skates when I was twelve? Frankly, I know the answer. It was the only pair of skates K&L had in my size. Every small town had a store like K&L. Diamonds in the front that morphed into trophies and engraving in the middle of the store that spilled into cleats and the ball of the season in the back. And a few odd pairs of ice Continue Reading
Bed Skirts: truly a first world problem
It’s been a tough couple of weeks as a Michigan State University supporter, there’s no question about that. But I can’t write about that… yet. Instead, I’ve finally made a decision that’s been weighing on my mind, every single week. My bed skirt has got to go. For years, I’ve been a slave to a color coordinated, neatly pressed, box-pleated bed skirt. And for years, I’ve been adjusting, untucking and rearranging it every time I change my bed. I know. Truly a first world problem. Actually, I Continue Reading
Attributes of a Pioneer Woman
When many of us hear the term 'pioneer woman', we think of a popular cooking show on The Food Network. This is about the true pioneer women, from the 1800's and early 1900's. How would you measure up to the task? In April, 1903, Carrie Gladys Thomson, age 7, her mother and other members of the family boarded the train from Wisconsin to North Dakota. Her father had gone out several weeks earlier to claim their new land and begin the homestead. He was lured by the great harvest fields and was Continue Reading