Wow! What a day I’ve had already and it’s just early afternoon, the day after Super Bowl XLIX. With our heaviest snowfall of the year that caused all local and county governments to close, and even our capitol offices, I managed to get out and run several errands. Of course, I ranthose errands like a girl. I just had to; I was so inspired by the ads from last night’s Super Bowl. That’s the whole point, isn’t it? I wasn’t going to let a little snow and all the traffic warnings keep me indoors.
So taking advantage of all the white fluffy stuff that just lends itself to a rendezvous at a mountain cabin, I found a KIAdealer open. Imagine my disappointment when Pierce Brosnan wasn’t there. No problem; we don’t have any mountains in my part of Michigan anyway. Next I drove to the Toyota dealer and checked out Camry’s, because I want to be more like Amy Purdy. Amazing, isn’t she.
Of course, I finally decided on a Nissan for no other reason than Harry Chapin’s “Cat’s in the Cradle” was absolutely one of my favorites and I mourned Chapin’s much too early passing back in the early 80’s. For the record, there is no Fiat dealer in the Lansing area.
Then it was off to lunch. No question – McDonald’s, with the prospect of payin’ it with love. My bill was $5.89 and the only thing I got were bigger love handles. That’s not what they told me last night during the big game, I’m sure of it. No tears today.
So I’m home now and finally got through to Nationwide– seems their lines have been jammed all morning, but I was able to cancel my policy with them. And I don’t even have young children. In a few more years, I’m afraid they are going to remake that ad using seniors and all the opportunities for home accidents. Now that could work, though still depressing.
Seems like I’ve done everything I was going to do today, so now I can sit back and relax. Think I’ll open a bottle of Bud to go along with my bag of Doritos, while I check my seat assignment on my next flight. Before I’m done, I’ll enjoy a Snickers, and call it a day before I wash up for bed tonight using my new bar of, Dove, while thinking of my dad.
It’s a new day. At least, that’s what the companies who anteed up 4.5 million for a 30 second spot are hoping. Some were hoping to inspire, educate and motivate, and apparently, depress. All were hoping to be memorable. Ahhhh – the day after the Super Bowl, and I haven’t thought about the game once!
In cased you missed it or just want to see the ads again, here are the links:
Run Like A Girl –
McDonald’s –
Dove –
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Very clever Pam! I really enjoyed the way you wove this together and the links gave me a chance to see some of the commercials I missed. This year I was disappointed that a couple of ads preempted themselves on the Today show last week. Also I did see a Doritos ad about a pig flying…maybe from last year? Fun read! (Sue)
Great job Pam! Laughed and agreed with your observations.
Thanks Sue. I refused to watch any of them ahead of time so I could be surprised. Yes, Doritos did have a "when pigs fly" but it wasn't one of my favs so I didn't include it. Glad you enjoyed this.
Thanks Marge – glad you enjoyed the post.
This too funny!