This getting older phase of life has a way of sneaking up on me, at times when I least expect it. Last month, the reality hit me, when the service delivery van arrived in my driveway. Senior Home Health Services.WHAT????
Let me back up a bit. In my early 40’s, I finally had to make an appointment with an eye doctor. There was nothing wrong with my vision, but my arms just weren’t long enough anymore, so I was fitted with my first pair of glasses. For reading of course, but because one eye is quite a bit different than the other, I can’t get away with the drug store readers.
I also remember making an emergency visit to my dentist. I’d cracked a tooth while eating scrambled eggs. Of course, the fracture wasn’t caused by eating the eggs, but that’s when I first noticed it.
Then there was the senior discount offered to me at a local restaurant. I was 48, and never returned. But I took the discount.
In my early 50’s I remember well the day I stood up after an important business luncheon only to discover I’d worn navy slacks with a black print jacket. I’d worn two different colored socks before, but nothing this egregious. I remember thinking “I thought I had more time”.
When I was 52, I had to see my doctor for a lingering sore throat, and left the office with appointment for a colonoscopy. The throat got treated, but it’s the colonoscopy I remember, just because of my age.
So now, my 60’s have taken this turn and in another visit to my doctor, the conversation went something like this. I may have blocked out some of what she said because I was too busy celebrating some really great lab results. Ok, maybe she said “improved”, but in my mind, I heard GREAT!
“So Pam, things are looking good. Anything else today?”
“Well, I think I’m more tired than I should be” I responded. I outlined the healthy eating changes I’d assumed several weeks earlier, the multivitamin I take, the fact that I sleep well and seldom have to wake to an alarm. “But, I just feel I’m too tired during the day.”
She smiled and said “I think it’s your sleep, blah, blah, blah, not enough deep, blah blah, blah, a simple test, blah, blah, blah.” She continued, “extra weight, blah, blah, blah, your age, blah…”
What? Snapped to my senses, there was that age thing again.
“It will be a simple test. My office will call and set it up.”
At no time do I remember her stating that a van announcing Home Health Care for Seniors would be pulling into my driveway, much to the curiosity of my neighbors. They outfitted me with a glorified clothespin for my finger, cord attached to my own personal black box, and oxygen tubing to loop past my nose and around my ears. I felt like I was wrapped up like a present.
“Sleep well. We’ll be back tomorrow,” the woman said.
With just enough tubing to apply a slight strangling sensation every time I turned, I flopped and tossed all night long, occasionally dozing. I have no idea if I passed or failed, but I did learn, I’m not complaining about a little tiredness again.
As the van pulled out of the driveway, I stood there, just waving to the inquiring neighbors. I may be getting older, but this age stuff isn’t going to slow me down. Oh who am I kidding, of course, it’s going to slow me down, but I’m going to work harder to make sure it’s a long time before any more senior services need to pay me a visit again.
Anything taken you by surprise in the “aging” process? I’d love to hear. To share,
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Anything taken you by surprise in the “aging” process? I’d love to hear. To share,
1. Locate the comment section at the bottom of the post. It may say No Comments if you are the first.
2. Hover your cursor over the word Comments and click to open the box that says Enter your comment.
3. After writing your comment, go to the box that says Comment As and choose Anonymous from the pull down menu.
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Downsides of aging: degenerative disk disease in my neck, arthritis of the facet joints in my back, the inability to drink more than one beer without falling asleep or getting sick, and the pounds that creep on so easily and refuse to budge no matter how much I exercise (I'm 34… this is not fair). Upsides of aging: caring less and less what other people think and doing the things I love solely because I love them (World travel? Dogs in the bed? Purple hair? Why not?), saying "no" without an excuse, and taking care of my skin so people still think I'm in my 20's (Good thing they can't see my spine!). Trading acne for facial hair falls into the neutral category. So does blunt honesty. 🙂
496 1/2 (approximately) invitations for the "best" medicare supplemental insurance. Wondering during exercise class when I lost that great balance I used to have. Why I feel tired right after 8 hours of sleep and breakfast, so I take an after breakfast nap many mornings… need to find out what your test was and what was the results.
You are so stinking funny, love your posts!
Great attitude, but so sorry about the spine issues. I'm still not sure I can get into purple hair however. Thanks for commenting. Good to hear from you!
Mine was a test for sleep apnea, and I can get drowsy 4 – 5 hours after I'm up, but I refuse to nap, so I work hard at staying active. I seem to have figured out how to overcome it a bit better recently – it's called exercise for me! Hope you can find a solution too.
Thanks. Make sure you go back and read "What I really want in 2015" if you haven't already. You'll get a kick out of one of my wants. And don't forget, you can share the blog with your friends.
Can't wait until Shelby from the Coffee Jam reads this one! She has been complaining of lots of those same things. It is good to hear that we are not alone. You make us laugh!