This getting older phase of life has a way of sneaking up on me, at times when I least expect it. Last month, the reality hit me, when the service delivery van arrived in my driveway. Senior Home Health Services.WHAT????Let me back up a bit. In my early 40’s, I finally had to make an appointment with an eye doctor. There was nothing wrong with my vision, but my arms just weren’t long enough anymore, so I was fitted with my first pair of glasses. For reading of course, but because one eye is Continue Reading
What Do I Really Want for 2015?
So long 2014, hello 2015,I started 2014 at the Tournament of Roses Parade followed by an MSU win at the Rose Bowl, and the rest of the year followed the theme - everything came up roses. Well, at least it seemed that way. Other highlights: Participated in the Erma Bombeck Writing Workshop and returned home vowing never to write about menopause. (A common theme I discovered).Traveled to the southwest US and visited the national parks in Arizona and Utah; Traveled throughout North Continue Reading
My Life as a Rockette
Somewhere around age 7, my mother enrolled me in a dance class. Ballet. I lived in small town Wisconsin where there wasn’t a selection of dance studios, YMCA’s or parks and rec offerings. But we had June, 50ish as my memory recalls, a retired dancer with a warm engaging smile of bright red lips, who tricked out her basement with mirrors, ballet barres and wood floors. She taught three classes – ballet, jazz, and baton twirling. Baton twirling? In a basement? Oh well, we were seven, and it was Continue Reading
Shopping for the Perfect Gift? Here’s your Guide
Ahhh, Christmas, that special time of year when too many people over stress, over shop, and over spend, all for the sake of giving the perfect gifts. Do we select a gift based on practicality, or is it something a bit more special, maybe something the gift receiver wouldn’t purchase? Do we ask for requests and then feel obligated to only give from that list regardless of the absurdity of the requests? Maybe the question to ask is “why am I giving this gift in the first place, and what kind of Continue Reading