Sometimes, I am as giddy as a seven year old, and I love it. Today was a perfect example as I discovered the spinach seeds I planted a week ago have now pushed through the earth. See what I mean? Don’t they usually conduct experiments in school like this when kids are about seven? I’m not even apologizing for my exuberant enthusiasm.I know, I know… my desires to dance a little and titter like a school child may have been a bit overboard, but for years, I’ve wanted a small vegetable garden. Time, Continue Reading
Real or Not, They’re Mine
“Are they real?” she asked. I took a step back as she began to move into my personal space. “As real as I could afford,” I responded only after a long pause and giving her a look that should have been interpreted as “I can’t believe you are asking that question”. I actually thought she was going to reach over and touch them.A long, beautiful strand of black pearls. But were they? They were real imitation black pearls, and I didn’t try to deny it.I suppose I should have been flattered that Continue Reading
It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad March
I'm mad, mad, mad, I tell you, and I can't take it anymore! And it's all because of this silly little thing called March Madness! The anxiety and nervousness; I've been bitten by the bug and the only remedy is the time release cure that will burst forward within a week. In my relief, I will grieve its passing. Of course, I’m talking about college basketball, and Michigan State's games are driving me crazy; I can barely watch them anymore. Two weekends ago, I set a personal best for quilting Continue Reading
Who Peeped In My Milk?
I’m always amazed at the creativity when I discover unlikely food products that have been joined at the hip (usually, only to enhance our hips) to create a new, more convenient, more tasty and more indulgent product. But last week, when I saw the marriage between PEEPS brand marshmallow candy and Prairie Farms milk, I was aghast.In the spirit of full disclosure, I am an unabashed lover of milk, straight up, plain and simple - you know, the stuff that comes from cows, and I have the Continue Reading