In 48 hours, I will begin a social experiment that both excites me, and also frightens the dickens out of me. And it will last for almost four days. From the very first time I began to socially interact with people, I’ve been identified and have identified myself as an extrovert. Yet one of the very hardest things for me to do is this thing called “networking,” or making polite conversation with people I don’t know. And now I know why – I’m an ambivert – neither an extrovert or an introvert, Continue Reading
My Ongoing Fight with Exercise Classes
Flat on my back, legs up in the air, splayed as much as these two bratwurst shaped limbs of mine can be, feet reaching toward the fluorescent lights. I would have been less embarrassed had I fallen, but nope, this was intentional. I hate exercise. I know that’s a strong word, but really, I hate it. I’m not talking about walking or biking, dancing or swimming. Those I like. It’s when I find myself reaching, stretching, lunging, balancing, all in sync to some obscure playlist of workout songs, Continue Reading
Of Tambourines and Triangles
I recently attended a concert and knew it was going to be a long 90 minutes from the very first song. Why? Because the song featured a tambourine. I hate the tambourine and I don’t care what color it is, what it’s made of, who’s shaking it, and whether or not it is ergonomically designed, it still sounds tinny and cheap to me. And the slightest misstep on the beat… don’t even get me started. The triangle made its debut in the fourth song. I was doomed. And I was back in fourth grade. I Continue Reading
What’s the Price of a Dream?
I stood patiently in line, trying not to look too anxious. I kept my eyes focused on the man ahead of me, with a slight smile across my face. Mentally, I was far, far away; so far, the impending winter storm warnings meant nothing to me. I hoped no one saw the twitch in my upper lip. Soon it was my turn, and I shuffled forward. “Five Powerball tickets please,” I said, and held out my $5 bill, resting my hand on the counter so it wouldn’t shake. “That will be ten dollars,” the nice man Continue Reading