I’m always amazed at the creativity when I discover unlikely food products that have been joined at the hip (usually, only to enhance our hips) to create a new, more convenient, more tasty and more indulgent product. But last week, when I saw the marriage between PEEPS brand marshmallow candy and Prairie Farms milk, I was aghast.
In the spirit of full disclosure, I am an unabashed lover of milk, straight up, plain and simple – you know, the stuff that comes from cows, and I have the bones to prove it. It is the number one food I miss when I travel.
But this PEEPS flavored milk has me befuddled. I have been wondering exactly who came up with the idea that it was good to add 37 grams of sugar to each cup of milk, bringing it up to 250 calories. A one cup serving of the same reduced fat milk is 120 calories and 11 grams of sugar.
I am convinced this is how it happened; purely hypothetical, but you never know.
Nick and Gabe both work for Just Born Inc., the company that make PEEPS, and they’ve been friends and lunch partners for the last few years.
Nick: “What’s with the water? You always have a Coke for lunch.”
Gabe, carefully opening his leftover kale salad and getting ready to reheat his pad thai: “Ever since Jules turned two, Em thinks we have to eat better. We have to be a better example. So my only choices now are water or milk.”
Gabe, carefully opening his leftover kale salad and getting ready to reheat his pad thai: “Ever since Jules turned two, Em thinks we have to eat better. We have to be a better example. So my only choices now are water or milk.”
Nick, at the microwave heating the first of his burritos, “Milk, who drinks that anymore?”
Gabe, spotting the bowl of PEEPS on the break room counter: “What if… no, it wouldn’t work. But what if…”
Nick: “You can’t be serious? What if we added PEEPS to milk? That’s brilliant!. America is already hooked on sugar – why didn’t anyone think of this before. Kids will love it!”
Okay. Purely conjecture on my part.
It may have actually been Larry and David, lingering at the 19th hole after the first night of the employee golf league, bemoaning their lengthy, stuck in the middle, careers at Prairie Farms. Both hungry for a little corporate recognition, they engaged in an alcohol induced brainstorming session around the employee “new product” contest. Rum flavored ice cream; nope, no alcohol products. Shake mix; nope too simple. Milk with crushed up Kit Kats; nope, would get stuck in a straw.
“Hey guys, want some PEEPS? They’re left over from the Easter buffet last month,” said Matt, the bartender.
Larry and David sat at attention – that’s it! Perfect.
The beer continued to talk. “Kids will love the bright colors and moms will be happy their kids want more milk.”
The beer continued to talk. “Kids will love the bright colors and moms will be happy their kids want more milk.”
And thus, PEEPS marshmallow flavored milk was launched, in chocolate as well as white milk. And let’s not forget about the eggnog – what could scream PEEP season more than that!
Prairie Farms is proud that their products are “Produced with no artificial growth hormones”, which is good. And even though PEEPS milk is “reduced fat”, it’s laced with sugar, not so good.
By the way, PEEPS® milk is only available in the following Mid-western states: IL, IN, KY, MI, MO, MS, TN, SE WI, E IOWA and SW OH.
And hopefully, not for long. Some things just aren’t meant to go together.
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Have you read about the bacon flavored Oreos?
Oh no! This disgusts me! I'd say thanks for sharing, but I'm not sure. Of course, you could wash it down with some peep egg nog for the bacon and eggs effect.