Last week was a rugged week for me when it came to the national news. Depressed and disillusioned, I decided to address this by becoming a hermit in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Those plans were thwarted when I realized I’m not good at chopping wood, or hunting or catching my own food, so I opted to pursue Plan B, and I went in search of one on our many beaches on Michigan’s 3126 miles of coastline (most of any state) to stick my head in the sand. But then I got hungry for more than worms and bugs. So I came back home and implemented Plan C – I have sworn off the news for a bit. Seriously, and I’m in a much better mood.
There are really three stories that made me check out the residency requirements for Bali. (I’m telling you, they make big girl sarongs in the most beautiful tropical prints.)
1. Hackers overtaking a car’s computer system: Oh technology, I thought you were our friend. I get frustrated enough when the printer doesn’t work, so I can’t even imagine my reaction when I’m out for a Sunday drive to my favorite joint for a dish of mint chocolate chip ice cream, and the car veers in the direction of a vegan smoothie stand for something sprouting kale and kohlrabi. Seriously, can you imagine anything more frightening than losing control of your car to a hacker? And can you already think of the excuses teens would use for getting home past curfew? Or for husbands not asking directions? Scary.
2. The gun toting drone: I think drones have their place and uses, and when the realtor selling my friend’s country property used a drone with a video camera, he took some great shots of the parcel. But rigging it with a gun and remotely firing the darn thing? Those are shots of an unfriendly type, and that’s just darn crazy. As my friend Sherry suggested, it’s as if we are living in an Alfred Hitchcock movie; or perhaps he’s just in charge of the NRA.
3. Donald Trump is polling as the front runner in the GOP: I am mindful that when I started my blog, I said I wouldn’t write about politics, but first of all, that was before I knew Donald Trump would be a presidential candidate. Secondly, once I learned last week that he draws a pension of more than $110,000 every year from the Screen Actors Guild, I was greatly relieved – he’s not a politician, merely an entertainer. Phew. I can’t imagine why anyone would possibly consider voting for him just because “he says it like it is”. Back when I was a sophomore in high school, I “said it like it was” to my math teacher and ended up suspended from class for three days. Does anyone possibly think I could be president, ‘cuz I can be pretty darn outspoken? I don’t think so, but that seems to be why people are drawn to him. Or maybe they just like the idea of the White House being renovated into some gaudy, over done glittery gold and marble palace reminiscent of boorish royalty – I hope we wouldn’t have to start calling him King Donald.
Of course, there were other stories that truly saddened me as well – the senseless movie theater shooting in Louisiana, more craziness surrounding Bill Cosby, reminding us again what a fine acting job he did playing everyone’s favorite TV obstetrician, Cliff Huxtable, and of course, the horror that comes with every story on ISIS.
So far, I’m still keeping my distance from the news and you know what? My life is better; maybe I’m in denial, but it’s working for me. My head is out of the sand and I’m in a better place. But do me a favor this week – if there really is something I should know, call me, okay? Or comment on this post. In the meantime, I’m enjoying my news-free bliss.
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Good post. I completely agree. In the past I've always kept up withe the news and thought being informed was the right thing to do. Now after spending one and a half months in the peacefulness of Newfoundland with TV and Internet being almost non existent, I'm rethinking this position.
We suddenly had to return to the U.S. and confronted the stories you have mentioned. It was jarring and overwhelming and I found myself suddenly just turning the TV off – sometimes in mid program. This is just not my style but one at least for awhile I'm going to adopt too. I'm not oblivious to world events but for now have just stepped back from being so involved. However, if you hear of something from a friend call me too.
Carol, my apologies for being so slow in responding. Thanks so much for taking the time to comment. I made the mistake of watching the news this past week only to learn about Cecil, the lion. The stories never cease to amaze me. No other news worth passing on, I assure you! Take care.