I guess you don’t have to be a Tea Party politician or an ultra-conservative family right’s activist to get caught with your pants down, so to speak. But these two stories have made me ponder my own recent affair, and it’s time to come clean. Let me start by saying I’m so sorry I was caught… I mean, I am so sorry for my family and my friends, especially Fall, Winter and Spring. I have been such a hypocrite, and I know I have damaged some relationships, and abused your trust, but I hope you can open your hearts and wallets to continue to support me and the lifestyle I’ve grown accustomed to. Here goes…
My Dear Sweet Summer,
Oh, how I have loved these past three months, and you have no idea what you’ve meant to me. Suddenly though, I feel like you are slipping away ever so quietly. You leave earlier in the evening and it takes you longer to wake up in the morning; it’s as if you’re trying to tell me something, but I don’t want to hear it.
In the beginning, you played a little hard to get, as if you didn’t want to commit, but once we started riding bikes and going out for long walks, you didn’t seem to mind.
I will never forget the heat we had when the days got a little steamy and the explosive storms that followed were… well, I can’t even put that into words. Needless to say, it always left my face flushed and I was a little short of breath, but in the end, I was smiling and relieved.
And then there were the afternoons on the deck, you warming my body with nothing but my shorts and t-shirt between us.
The boat ride on Lake Michigan was cut short when rain wanted some action and tried to make it a threesome. Thanks for taking me home – it made me uncomfortable too.
And Summer, when we listened to the symphony at Greenfield Village on the fourth of July, and when the canons went off… oh my. Fireworks will never be the same again.
With every trip to the garden, you made me feel healthier and stronger about myself and I liked that. I think I even used the word “giddy” once.
Do you remember the day we took a romp through the woods? Next time, we must use protection. The doctor gave me some good cream and said this rash will go away in a few days, but in the meantime, the burning and itching on my ankles and lower legs reminds how embarrassed I was that Ivy was watching us the entire time. Me, of all people… I just should have noticed.
Lastly, even though it looks like we’ll part, I hope you’ll be back, like maybe next May because Summer, you need to know, I’ll be due about then, and I’ll really be looking forward to seeing you.
To check out more about the affair and then cover-up between two of Michigan’s Representatives, just Google Todd Courser or Cindy Gamrat. And when you get to the part about her tucking him in at night, try not to spit out your coffee, or better yet, grab a glass of wine first. You all know about the continued woes of poor Josh Duggar. I’m just wondering what we will learn about him next?
I don't know what's happening. This is my third and last attempt to comment. It seems to want to make me sign in to Blogger.com before I can reply to you. Just e-mail me if you don't get this this time. enjoyed your story. Are you interested in Thailand mission trip in February
Love can be so fleeting. Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks.
Kathy, thanks so much for your persistence. I really appreciate it. Thailand isn't going to work for me, but wish it could. You should've gotten a fairly long-winded email from me, but maybe SPAM got to it first.
Your confession was so well written. I usually avoid these type of tawdry details but then realized I have had a similar one with summer too. All is forgiven.