Happy Thanksgiving! It’s absolutely my favorite holiday and this week, I was overwhelmed as I thought of the blessings in my life, and remembered past Thanksgivings.
1975 – Prepared the meal for the rest of my family along with my sister, Judy, in her Madison apartment. I was the Home Ec major and proud of the turkey we presented.
Oldest sister, Barb: “Where are the giblets?”
Youngest sister, Pam, with all the confidence she could muster: “This turkey had no giblets.”
Look from mother, needs no description. THAT was the year I learned turkeys had neck cavities, where they hid the giblets.
1985 – Met my baby nephew, Greg, when I visited my brother and the rest of his family in California.

1993 – Invited to the cottage of a friend in northern Michigan, to enjoy the day with her family. She hadn’t consider the thawing time of the bird. We sat down for our Thanksgiving dinner at 10:30 that night.
2009 – Enjoyed a delightful turkey dinner at my hotel in Bangkok. Discovered Prosecco. Slept well.

2010 – Had dinner at Paula Deen’s restaurant in Savannah, Georgia. Extremely disappointed as they didn’t have pumpkin pie!
2011 – Spent the long weekend in Chicago and stood for hours at the Macy’s parade in Chicago. It was a blast, but I’d splurge and get bleacher seats if I was doing it again.
May you have a wonderful day and create warm memories. May you limit your debates to cornbread vs. classic bread stuffing; pumpkin vs pecan pie; mashed potatoes vs. candied yams; whole cranberries vs. jelled; dark meat vs. white.
Celebrate our uniquely American holiday, where there’s no argument over the mix of religious and secular symbols, only favorite football teams. Sleep in, watch a parade on TV, take a long pre-meal walk, drive carefully, enjoy the day with family and friends, and give thanks.
My wish is that you, too, have a holiday filled with all that brings you peace and happiness, and that your heart holds memories as dear as mine.
Pam you must see the Macy’s parade in NYC. It was so memorable.
That would be great but I’m fickle about the weather! I’m sure it’s something, though.
Same to you Pam. Lots of love and hugs.
Thank you so much. Right back to you.
Warms my heart. Happy Thanksgiving Pam!
Thank you Sue. With this cool weather, we need all the warmth we can get. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
Love this holiday and all it’s special memories as well. Happy Thanksgiving Pam.
Thank you Karen. Enjoy the day and make it last.
Yes, we have so many wonderful, family filled memories. But some of my favorite ones have been last last 5 years when I/we have helped out with the Free meal served at our church. It’s growing in people and fellowship each year.
Happy Thanksgiving to all
Ahhh… you are so good to share with others. Thank you for representing the family so well!
Using wine and broth in the roasting pan this year. May open that chilled bottle of Prosecco in the fridge if I finish the bottle of Spumante. I love sweet wine and sparkling wines are the only wines I can tolerate these days. Love the Macy’s Parade and check the weather in NYC it’s not that bad. Mom and I went years ago. It was amazing!
Dinner sounds delicious. Glad you have that memory with your mother.
Enjoyed your memories!!!!Wishing you a Happy Turkey Day. Many blessings
Thank you! So many memories… time to make more.
Lady and Sons is a really underwhelming restaurant; I didn’t go for Thanksgiving but I too left dissapointed. Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you. Yep, it wasn’t the experience I’d hoped for. And Happy Thanksgiving to you as well.