Three thousand miles. Actually, a little less, but we took the long drive from Michigan to Arizona via Alabama, and by the time we got to our destination, I was just glad to get out of the car. Just about the time I was lamenting the additional side trip for the length it added, we met a couple in New Mexico who were driving to Alaska from their home in New Hampshire. Now that’s a trip. But seriously, there were many sights to enjoy, and just as many to forget, and I had a lot of time to Continue Reading
Road Trip Round Up
Why is it that the preparation for a road trip takes almost as long as the road trip? Anyone else have this problem? My friend, Kathy, and I are off on another adventure and this trip is a long one, in time and distance and will require clothes for all seasons. And the mundane decisions almost stop me before I even get in the car. What clothes (accessories and shoes) to take, how often will we stop for laundry, should I start with a full tube of toothpaste or just the partial tube, knowing I Continue Reading
Knowing When It’s Time To Cut Bait
I have a simple travel philosophy – I need to find five people who have been there, done that AND enjoyed it, before I’m buying my tickets and packing my suitcase. I knew only four people who had been to Nova Scotia. We went anyway.The guidebook said to allow 10 days to visit Nova Scotia. We planned 16. I expected nonstop Acadian music, charming villages, luscious seafood, jaw dropping seascapes, and magnificent countryside scenes. Such are the dangers of an over active imagination.Don’t get me Continue Reading
Pamipedia: A summary of knowledge obtained through travel, but not reliable enough for school reports.
How we ended up on a working wharf is not important. Did that Private Property warning really mean us? But what we learned about the herring and scallop industries in Nova Scotia was clearly worth the risk. On top of what we’d already discovered about the lobster business, we are practically able to carry our own at a cocktail party should the topics ever come up. And should we ever attend cocktail parties.Nova Scotia is divided into regions for fishing and every region has different dates or Continue Reading