From the Hare Krishnas beating their drums to the fleet of horns-a-blaring, lights-a-flashing tow trucks, the 2022 Rose Parade was everything I could have imagined. To be clear, the Hare Krishnas, followed by the Jesus Saves group, were not official entries. And there was little chance my soul would be saved that day with what I muttered when the alarm sounded at 4:30. However, they did provide some pre-parade distraction along the route while we waited. The tow-trucks however, were the Continue Reading
Why Couer d’alene?
I always like to take some time to reflect on a vacation and now that we’ve been back from our trip to Couer d’alene (CDA), Idaho, for a week, it’s time for my review. CDA is a city of 45,000 on Interstate 90, and easy to get to from the Spokane, WA airport. Amtrak also stops at nearby Sandpoint and Spokane. It's also a four-hour drive southwest of Glacier National Park. The focal point is Lake Couer d’alene, a large all-sports lake, with a beautiful resort sitting on its edge, featuring a Continue Reading
Pandemic Road Trips
Lots of people are hesitant to get in the car and take a road trip during this pandemic. I don’t happen to be one of them, and I’ve just returned from a trip to southwest Colorado for a few days. For people who don’t have to stay home due to health issues, getting away for a couple of days can provide a great pick-me-up, if you travel wisely. Here are my tips. 1. Know why you want to travel. If it’s to see friends and family, check with them first. They may not share your desire due to their Continue Reading
It’s Play Time
Facts: I moved to Michigan in January, 1983. I love live theater. ‘Up North Michigan’, Chicago, and Stratford, Ontario are all approximately the same distance away.In the last 36 years, I have feasted on copious amounts of fudge purchased ‘up north’ and gorged myself with too many bags of Garrett’s popcorn in Chicago.It took me until 2019 to visit the theaters of the Stratford Festival. What is wrong with this picture? At the end of June, Kathy and I made the easy drive to Stratford, a Continue Reading