Scenario: Two women, 70 and 67, decide they want to try kayaking for the first time. They sign up for a two-hour Sunset Kayak Tour on Lake Couer d’Alene, with a local adventure team in Couer d’Alene (CDA), Idaho. They negotiate a private tour, knowing they’ll never last two hours. CDA is located 30 miles east of Spokane, Washington, 165 miles northwest of Missoula, Montana and 95 miles south of the Canadian border. The temperature of the lake is cold. Person A Athletic and will be Continue Reading
Olympics and Politics
“Are you watching the Olympics?” It was a simple question posed by a woman on a local Facebook group, less than 72 hours after the opening ceremony. Many people said yes and many, a simple no, and I understand. The sixteen-day focus on sports is not for everyone. Then I saw a wave of other responses like this: (Paraphrased) When these athletes start respecting this great country, I’ll watch again. Not this year. I refuse to support these people who don’t represent my America. They Continue Reading
Testing, testing …
"Testing, testing ... 1 - 2 - 3." "This is a test of the Patchwork Journey Broadcast Network. Do not adjust your screen or volume. This is just a test. " "I have the results of your lab tests." "Students, for today's test, I need you to remove your books from your desktops and get out a number 2 pencil." Do students even have text books anymore? Do they sit at desks when school is in session? And seriously, would they have any idea what a number 2 pencil was? I am so out of the loop Continue Reading
A *Ream of Writers
I took a quick glance into the dark van. Phew, I was the only passenger on the way home from the airport. I crawled into the back seat, hoping the shuttle driver couldn’t see me, because I wasn’t done laughing yet. I covered my mouth to subdue a squeal that might leak. My shoulders lurched and I had to scrounge for a Kleenex in my purse to wipe my eyes. Last week, I joined eight writer friends in Cincinnati for our own retreat. Poets, short story writers, bloggers, novelists, a Continue Reading