I’ve just returned from an end of summer trip to Michigan’s northernmost point and I’m not sure what surprised me the most – the unrivaled natural beauty of the area, the “step back in time” room we stayed in, or the name calling, by a man from Milwaukee, no less! I love traveling throughout the country and exploring the tastes, sounds, and beauty found throughout the 50 states. This is my first in the series I’m calling America the Beautiful. In a couple of weeks, I’m headed out on a major road Continue Reading
Summer, Summer, Why Hath Thou Forsaken Me?
I had two jobs to do this summer. Two, that’s it. The first was to finish my quilt from hell. The second was much easier; sort through three boxes of photos and make decisions about their future. It didn’t seem like too much to ask…but summer is officially behind us and I am ready to move on to my fall tasks, yet one summer job remains undone. Anybody else in the same boat?Project One: I was excited when my friend, Kathy, asked me sometime early in 2013 if I’d make a quilt for her bedroom. We Continue Reading
What We Really Learn From Facebook
In one hundred years, I expect Facebook will be viewed as one of the great social experiments of all time. It is used to inform, teach, motivate, inspire, evoke, incite, share… the list continues. It operates on a simple premise – you type a remark, post a photograph, or add a link to an article you’ve read or video you’ve seen. When your Facebook friends see this, they have five options: 1. ignore; 2. read or view, and move on; 3. click a “like” button”; 4. add a comment, and/or 5. share it Continue Reading
Better Than The Big Leagues
JB pulled the neckline of his shirt up to his mouth and chewed on it; anything to cover up the trembling lower lip. He took off his hat and wiped his eyes on his shirt sleeve; everyone watching knew there were tears waiting to fall. His teammates offered encouragement. "You can do it, it's ok". The coach came to the mound to settle him down. Two runs had already scored and the bases were loaded with only one out. JB and his team had to dig deep to hold on to their lead. "It's all good. Continue Reading