I think I’ve become a hoarder. Ok, maybe I just fall on the hoarder spectrum because I am very well organized, and maybe I’m just stuck in the addiction phase. And who gets the blame for this? Now understand, I never owned a Barbie doll – I suspect she was too racy for my mother. No, I had a Tammy doll, marketed as "more wholesome and less curvaceous" than Barbie; I’m sure Tammy wore sensible shoes, had only one piece swim suits, was home early every Saturday night and went to Sunday Continue Reading
The Arrogant American – Africa, Part 2
I always enjoy the sights and scenery when I travel, but what I really love are the people, especially from cultures so different from mine. As much as this trip was about spotting and watching the movements of magnificent animals in the Serengeti and Ngorongoro Conservation Area, the safari was also a huge lesson about culture for me. It was the prospect of visiting a Maasai village and the city of Arusha, Tanzania that made my heart skip a beat before we even left Lansing.ArushaOur tour Continue Reading
Time for Some Sun and Sand – Africa, Part 1
At the warmest part of today, with the sun beating down on my car, the temperature still registered zero. We are deadlocked in bitter cold, and I can’t think of a better thing to do than travel to some place warm and sunny. Not Florida, or the Caribbean, Arizona or California. Instead, it’s time to revisit Africa – specifically, the Serengeti and surrounding area in Tanzania. From April, 2012, my Safari Adventure - I hate getting up early for anything. But more than hating that, I love a Continue Reading
Pity Does Not Cure a Cold
I threw a pity party last week, and no one showed up. Even I found it to be rather pathetic. I blame it on a nasty head cold and upper respiratory mess, and all is better now, I assure you. Of course, this happened while my buddy, Kathy, was sending me texts and emails from her visit to sunny California. I retaliated by hacking onto the computer screen and into the phone. Now that made me feel better!I am a pitiful patient, to be sure. Wait, a patient implies a caretaker. Cancel that. I am just Continue Reading