Admittedly, I suffer from never married syndrome, so I don’t always appreciate the effort that goes into making relationships work. Hence, when the date was set for my sister's 50th wedding anniversary celebration, I began to look for excuses not to go. Takes too long to drive? I spent far more time attending an MSU football game and volleyball match a week ago. Nope, that wouldn't do. They have five married kids, eleven grandchildren and one great grandchild. Isn't that enough? Would I Continue Reading
Why I need this election to be over
Are you as excited for November 9 as I am? Almost every day, I'm reminded of why I need this election to be over, and this is not just the presidential election, but local elections as well. It's a wonder anyone wants to run for elected office anymore, with all the accusations, character assassinations, and mistruths being spread about. And that's just our local sheriff's race! It's been almost a month since I posted, but a trip to the recycling center yesterday brought this post all together Continue Reading
New York City for the Novice
This post is dedicated to my friends Chris, Jaclyn, Sandy, Leslie, Sherry, and everyone else who lives or works in New York City. They are true warriors! The time and effort required to simply move from one spot to another is exhausting but beyond that, it’s a great city. If you read my last post, you know it was filled with anxiety about what to wear, given the hip and trendy status of our hotel, just one block off of Times Square. (If you didn’t read it, just keep scrolling until you find Continue Reading
New York City, part 1
What started out as a simple search has turned into what is sure to be a comedy, unfolding later this week. Kathy and I are headed to New York City for a few days and when hotel suggestions from various friends didn’t pan out, we turned to our well-trusted travel agent, Joy. I know, I know – should have gone there first. She had lots of ideas for us, so we scheduled an appointment in her office. The conversation went like this. Enthusiastic Joy: “I’ve got just the perfect place for the two of Continue Reading