Road trips aren’t just for families with kids in tow, but for anyone who has some time and a spirit of adventure. In preparing for my next trip, I've pulled together some basic rules. 1.Discover the back roads and enjoy the beauty along the way. Experience the real America beyond the Interstate highways.Hwy 41 near Copper Harbor.2.Make sure you have a good navigator – GPS (Global Pam Sievers) is known to make some mistakes. Maybe a fourth map would have helped. Continue Reading
Summer, Summer, Why Hath Thou Forsaken Me?
I had two jobs to do this summer. Two, that’s it. The first was to finish my quilt from hell. The second was much easier; sort through three boxes of photos and make decisions about their future. It didn’t seem like too much to ask…but summer is officially behind us and I am ready to move on to my fall tasks, yet one summer job remains undone. Anybody else in the same boat?Project One: I was excited when my friend, Kathy, asked me sometime early in 2013 if I’d make a quilt for her bedroom. We Continue Reading
What We Really Learn From Facebook
In one hundred years, I expect Facebook will be viewed as one of the great social experiments of all time. It is used to inform, teach, motivate, inspire, evoke, incite, share… the list continues. It operates on a simple premise – you type a remark, post a photograph, or add a link to an article you’ve read or video you’ve seen. When your Facebook friends see this, they have five options: 1. ignore; 2. read or view, and move on; 3. click a “like” button”; 4. add a comment, and/or 5. share it Continue Reading
The Case of the One Eyed Chipmunk
At some point every day, he (or she) pauses at the patio door, sneers at me, and scampers off the deck. At first I was enamored by his wink, until I realized he wasn’t flirting with me, he just has one eye. Really - a one eyed chipmunk! Cheeks stuffed with food for the underground pantry, this brazen rodent is part of the gang that has overrun our neighborhood this year, to the point I want to scream “ALVIN”. My neighbor even invested in rat traps to snag a few. Summer seems to be the season of Continue Reading