I guess you don’t have to be a Tea Party politician or an ultra-conservative family right’s activist to get caught with your pants down, so to speak. But these two stories have made me ponder my own recent affair, and it’s time to come clean. Let me start by saying I’m so sorry I was caught… I mean, I am so sorry for my family and my friends, especially Fall, Winter and Spring. I have been such a hypocrite, and I know I have damaged some relationships, and abused your trust, but I hope you can Continue Reading
Get Your Camera Out – There’s Still Time
I’m the first to admit, it was probably a fairly insensitive topic to bring up, especially while we gathered for my sister’s 70thbirthday soiree. But it was a good assembly of family members, so I threw the question out there – “Do you have your obituary photo picked out yet?”Now realize, these were my family members, ranging in age from 40 - 68, and I knew the response I would get before I asked, and I wasn’t disappointed – plenty of chuckles and guffaws as we dove into the topic. Just for the Continue Reading
Wake Me When the News is Over
Last week was a rugged week for me when it came to the national news. Depressed and disillusioned, I decided to address this by becoming a hermit in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Those plans were thwarted when I realized I’m not good at chopping wood, or hunting or catching my own food, so I opted to pursue Plan B, and I went in search of one on our many beaches on Michigan’s 3126 miles of coastline (most of any state) to stick my head in the sand. But then I got hungry for more than worms and Continue Reading
What I Wanted Then vs. What I Want Now
As pack rats go, I’m pretty good. I’ve moved enough to unload unused or unwanted items and generally, I try to move stuff on while it still has a useful life for someone else. Well, unless there is an emotional attachment, or a memento from a trip, or fabric I like, or photos … really, I’m not that bad. Okay, I didn’t think I was until I discovered a box not long ago filled with old school papers, including every report card and transcript from first grade through college. I know, I didn’t apply Continue Reading