I had my palm read the other night. Have you ever done that? Or had your cards read? This is not my idea of sound financial investing, but it’s as good as some other options these days. And this was all for a good cause, so I figured, why not.
A friend and I were attending a small fund raising picnic for a local woman’s center, and sitting quietly under a magnificent maple in the lush garden was a palm reader/ numerologist. Out of the blue, my friend jumped up and declared “It’s time for us to learn more about our lives.” And it will only cost me $10.
Now people who know me well, know that with just a couple of exceptions, if I can’t see it, touch it, taste it, hear it or smell it, I’m not buying it. Faith and hope are a couple of the exceptions. I try to be open-minded and certainly respect others who are believers, but this was not really my thing. The price was ok and I agreed, so with a quick wipe of my hands making sure the last remnants of the barbecue chicken were gone, I walked over to the area, sat on a bench and waited my turn as my friend went first. I looked carefully for any signs; like signs that would say “get out now and save $10”.
None appeared and it was my turn.
The slightly plump, gray haired woman with the colorful frock and delightfully pleasant smile invited me to sit down, whereupon she pondered over my hand through the glasses tilted on the end of her nose.
“This line right here tells me you are a bit of a skeptic.” I could not have prepared for that.
Now think about this for a minute. Don’t you see the irony here? I don’t know if she meant I was skeptical about having my hand read, or I walk through life a bit of a skeptic. It didn’t matter – she was right on both accounts. I wanted to jump up out of the chair and say “you’re darn right and I’m not buying a single thing you say,” but my standards for decorum prevented me from doing that.
I kept my eyes focused on her, doing my very best to not react. My poker face was intact except for that darn twitch in my upper lip. Surely she knew I was done listening. Or was I?
As she traveled my palm, she continued. “You like variety, you are easily bored, you enjoy travel and new ideas. When you worry, you worry big and you always need a job with a significant purpose or meaning.”
Ok, so this was a little spooky because she was right on, but I tried not to react. Was this a typical line? One of her well-rehearsed readings? I softened and we talked back and forth for a good length of time, and through it all, I experienced this constant inner battle; she’s right, but I don’t buy any of this malarkey. She knows me too well, but how could she tell this from my hand?
I waited for her to go on. Would I have good health? Would my retirement money hold up? About this weight issue? But the time was up. I wanted to offer another $10, but others were waiting.
So what does your palm say about you? And, are you a believer or a skeptic? Or somewhere in between? Let me hear from you, but please, your first name is fine. This is the internet and sometimes, you should be a bit skeptical about who and what is out there.
A friend of mine has recently started giving Tarot Card readings. You've piqued my interest in such things, so now I think I'll give her a try. One of the (MANY) things I'm going to love about your blog, Pam, is your use of fun words – like "frock." That's one of my favorite ones, too. Glad you're up and writing!
A friend of mine believes in those who can 'read' you, for a lack of a better way to say it… and after she shared with me some of the things told to her, my curiosity was piqued… the 'reader' resides in England, and I carried her number around with me for YEARS, but never did follow through. Thank you for sharing your experience!
Last time I commented I was Anonymous because I could not figure out how to be Maryann – hopefully this time I was successful!
Oh yes, have your cards read – I put it in the same entertainment category as going to a movie. Frock? Funny.
Thanks Maryann. And yes, that's how you came through!
I have never been in a place to have my palm read. Not sure if presented with the opportunity I would participate. Skeptical. Could be the Midwest way.
Barbara, sure thought I'd replied. Sorry! By all means, do it once if the price is right. Consider it entertainment money and you'll have fun.