Dear President Trump,
I’ve recently heard that you and the boys are talking about another attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act. I tend to agree it needs some revision, but not total dumping. So as much as I know you and Paul and Mitch like input from mainstream America, I thought I’d offer my suggestions on additional coverage that would make this a better plan.
Coverage for a new mattress: It all starts with a good night of sleep, doesn’t it? What’s the first thing everyone does when they get sick? Go to bed! We all try this before we call the doctor. I’ve had to face the fact that my mattress has a sinkhole larger than the one that recently gobbled up a city block on the east side of the state. I don’t remember when I bought this one, and that’s not a good thing, so when I went shopping, I experienced severe sticker shock. Have you priced these suckers? Probably not, but let me tell you, a good one isn’t cheap. Maybe you could add coverage for a new mattress every ten years. I think that seems reasonable, though tracking this may be a bit of a challenge. Maybe Stevie B could do this as apparently, he has a bit of time on his hands lately.
Coverage on good athletic shoes: I know, if they were part of a work uniform, I could probably make it work, but they’re not. On the other hand, walking and working out is essential to good health, right? Everyone knows that! A couple of weeks ago, I over-exerted myself with back-to-back walks in shoes that were not up to the task. I paid the price for several days – feet, ankles, knees, hips, back, attitude. When I was working, I’d indulge in good shoes. In retirement, I changed my ways and went cheap – it’s that fixed income stuff you know. And I’m paying for it. But seriously, have you priced good walking shoes? And I’m not talking the kind with soft spikes for a golf course. Maybe a pair each year. What do you think about that?
Coverage for Shapewear: Please, just listen before you roll your eyes and imagine any of your wives without their Spanx. Shapewear is not just about lifting and shaping. It’s about containing and supporting, and I am a perfect case study. Forty years ago, I had a nasty little issue with my back. On the advice of my doctor, I wore a girdle. Yes, that’s what it was called then. You see, it provided all the support I needed. Get this – I wore that thing for a few months and have never had a back issue since! I’m not kidding you. But to be honest, this stuff is a bit pricey. Some of your ‘supporters’ may not agree with adding this because they think it just applies to women. A simple Google search would tell you otherwise. (BTW, this isn’t for me – I am way beyond this, but lots of other people would sure like this coverage.)
I’m sure if you polled others, they would give you similar suggestions that are real life solutions for modern medical needs. And isn’t that what we want? Oh sure, don’t get me wrong – I still want everything else, but do you know how popular you might be if you added these to your new proposal? Talk about making America great again!
Your good friend,
PS: Ok readers, what would you like included? Here’s your chance!
How about this? We all know we should drink more water, right? Now, I know Don and the boys think environmental concerns are overrated, but personally, I like to contribute in one small way by NOT buying bottled water. How about letting me write off the cost of my water filters? Saves the environment, promotes better health – double whammy!
Ha! That”s a great idea. Think of all the health benefits. Love your two-fer suggestion.
Seems like this is about preventive care, which is usually the best way to go. It they fund Viagra and other such ‘necessities” for men, how about free Monistat and Vagisil, even the generics, for women.
Whatever you might need, Carol. That’s the idea.
What great ideas! I would suggest that Don hire you as an adviser. Maybe you could share an office with Ivanka, since she’ll be off touting her newly renamed clothing line most of the time.
Thanks but I really prefer to work from home. I can come up with plenty of other advice though.
Love it! How about manicures and pedicures…good for hygiene and mental health.
Another great idea! Think of the jobs that could be created. Thanks for the suggestion. I’m sure it will get consideration.