That’s it, I’m turning off the news. I’ve had enough, and I can’t watch anymore.
Political campaigns? No.
Coronavirus? Nope
A divided government? No way.
Why have I chosen a life of avoidance and denial? SNAKES! And if I’m going to live in Arizona, I’m quickly learning this will be an annual affair.
For the last week, I’m sure every local newscast featured with this story: Remember, as the weather warms up, the snakes wake up.
Apparently, when the night time lows are above 50, it serves as an alarm clock for all the snakes in the area that have been curled up for a long-winter’s nap. Over the next 10 days, we have one low temp under 50. The warmer temps are here and the alarm has sounded for the slithery reptiles.
Now, it’s time for a true confession. I have an irrational fear of snakes, and I still check for them in places they’d never be.
I have another confession. The chances of seeing a snake around my home and yard here in Arizona are less than around my home in Michigan. I can say that because I played peek-a-boo with a little grass snake hanging around my bushes one summer when I lived in the Lansing area. I let it slither around as long as it ate its weight in mosquitoes. It seemed to be a win-win.

“Be Aware” signs are posted when we hike in the foothills, but it is still unlikely we will come across a snake. Of course, I do encourage Kathy to take the lead and set the pace – that’s just my kindness coming through. But since we stay on well traveled trails, and they have a striking distance of three feet, I’m no longer afraid.
Oh, who am I kidding – of course I’m still afraid.
Give me another year and I’ll be ready for the news. Now, if ugly politics and the coronavirus can find rocks to crawl under, won’t we all be happy?
I hear your fear! My husband was bitten by a pigmy rattlesnake just after we moved to Florida. I didn’t know what the species of the snake was—but posted a picture on Facebook and friends immediately identified. Definitely poisonous. Took him to the ER and he was fine. However, we are much more careful now when doing yard work.
Wow, what a close call. I do my best to keep my distance, but I also want to enjoy the trails we have here. Thanks for taking the time to comment.
I think we are safer from the Corona virus, news and snakes on my cruise. We should just keep sailing.
I think you were really lucky to get home!
Thanks for the read, Retta.
Good idea some days to just turn it all off and enjoy and reflect on all our blessings. But beware snakes come in many forms.
Yes indeed they do, but I’m referring to the reptilian kind.