What are the chances that Madeline Albright and I had new books that went live on the same day? Coincidence?
Oh sure, our contracts may be different, beginning with the fact that she has one and I don’t.
Our subject matter differs slightly. Hers is the third memoir of her life as a distinguished ambassador, cabinet member and global influencer. My first novel is a light-weight rom-com that according to my kindle version, can be read in around six hours. That’s about the same time it takes to get through her author bio.
As a young child, she and her family fled their native Czechoslovakia to avoid prolonged suffering by the Nazis at the start of World War II. As a youngster, I suffered from my mother trimming my bangs too short.
But guess what? I wrote a book and I’m proud and frankly, a little giddy.

Carrie’ Quest follows the struggles of 38-year-old Carrie as she lets go of some of her past attitudes and traditions in order to find love and move forward. Her late mother was her best friend and throughout the journey, Carrie recalls advice that her mother shared with her. Some of it is practical. Learn to make a good meatloaf. It will remind a man of his mother and he’ll want to come back for more. Other advice is more philosophical. Don’t lose yourself in a relationship with someone else. I’m not sure if Albright’s book carries such nuggets of wisdom.
The book’s been live on Amazon for a week and I keep asking myself – Did Ms. Albright have to format her own pages? Is she fidgeting her hands wondering how the heck you market something like a new book? Probably not.
The title of Albright’s book is Hell and Other Destinations. Mine tackles online dating. Who knows, there may be similarities after all. I hope you’ll take a look and consider a purchase. To make it easier, I’ve included the link to Carrie’ Quest. You’ll have to look up Albright’s book on your own. Thanks.
I’d say quite an ambitious endeavor and accomplishment! Can’t wait for my book to arrive on Friday (according to Amazon tracking).
Thank you, Beverly. It was like giving birth after and very long pregnancy.
Madeline Albright ain’t got nothing on you, toots! Love this post. So funny! Can’t wait to read the book and I’m so proud of you, Pam.
Thanks, Kate. You’ve been on this ride with me for a long time.
Anxiously awaiting my copy……thought I’d receive it today, but no Amazon delivery for me! ?
Much success, my friend!
Thank you, Kathy. Appreciate the support.
I’m so very proud of you Pam! So many people say they would like to write a book, but you did it! Congratulations on this feat. You are an inspiration to us all.
Thanks, Retta. I do think of all the other things I could’ve done when instead, I wrote a book. Crazy.
I am so proud of you for writing your book, and navigating all the hoops necessary to jump through to get it published. So excited to read it. We wish you the best in your first go at this. May there be more from you, a very creative writer. May you get good reviews.
Hoops, barrels, log jams… so much learning went into this, and you supported me all along. Thanks.
I read your book the day it came. I admire you for sticking with it and being so patient with all the edits, etc. I think it was the first book I have read that I can honestly say, “I know the author.” I recognized so many of your life adventures especially the connections to Japan. I know that the adage is “Write what you know.”
I liked the technique of quotes from your mother. My first cousins and I whose mothers were sisters published a little booklet for a family reunion filled with quotes from our mothers. Of course many cousins had the same memories. My mother graduated from a small town high school in Wisconsin and she had a lot of lines from Shakespeare. She must have had a great English literature teacher. In my high school days, autograph books were the rage. My mother would always write a quote from Shakespeare. “To thine own self be true…” for example.
I know you would like to see some comments about your book on Amazon so I will get busy and do that.
It seems like the move to Arizona has been all you wanted it to be. I am happy for you.
I imagine that right now you are enjoying the sun while we have another gray, drizzly day. Enjoy. Keep writing.
Thank you, Margaret. I’m glad the memories of her mother’s advice resonated with you.
I’ve placed an order and am anxiously awaiting its arrival.
I’m thrilled. Thank you.