Why is it so hard to let go of stuff? I’m in the midst of preparing for a move across the country which will result in some major lifestyle changes as well. Example? Good-bye snow boots, hello flip-flops. The move is scheduled for mid-July and fortunately, I started packing weeks ago. Some stuff is easy, and the decision between packing, recycling, donating or tossing is simple. But it’s also easy to get hung up on decisions. And second guess. And wrangle your hands. And lose sleep. Why? Continue Reading
Thanks, Mom
The last Mother's Day I had with my mother was 1980. If she were with me today, I'd say thanks for... taking me the see Julius Caesar at the Guthrie Theater when I was 14.not laughing when I would play Shoe Store on snow days, and letting me fill the living room floor with every single pair of shoes in the house. growing the most beautiful iris in town.making me help with ironing. It's not over-rated and I still start with the collar.teaching me to make change when I hung out at your fabric Continue Reading
The Gift of Memories
Of all the blessings I’ve had this year, one of the greatest gifts was spending a couple of hours with my brother-in-law at an Amish horse auction. While the rest of the family headed to the apple orchards for fresh cider and warm donuts, Wayne and I headed to the county fairgrounds in my rural Wisconsin hometown. We slid onto the cold, metal bleachers on this unseasonably cool late September day. I shoved my hands deep into the pockets of my one-shade-away-from-gawdy green jacket, and Continue Reading
Have you ever been lonely? Not just words in a song
Have you ever been lonely, have you ever been blue? Seriously, I’m asking. Have you ever been lonely? Not the kind that Patsy Cline, Roy Orbison or Bobby Vinton sang about back in 1962, but true loneliness that can steer you into social isolation. One day last week, I caught the end of an interview on TV with two health professionals talking about loneliness and how it’s crept to be a leading public health issue in our country. Later that afternoon, an article popped up on my Twitter feed Continue Reading