I threw a pity party last week, and no one showed up. Even I found it to be rather pathetic. I blame it on a nasty head cold and upper respiratory mess, and all is better now, I assure you. Of course, this happened while my buddy, Kathy, was sending me texts and emails from her visit to sunny California. I retaliated by hacking onto the computer screen and into the phone. Now that made me feel better!I am a pitiful patient, to be sure. Wait, a patient implies a caretaker. Cancel that. I am just Continue Reading
Forgiveness – The Perfect Gift
Merry Christmas!As you gather with family and friends, may you use this time of reflection, joy and celebration to take a quick glimpse back and cast a hopeful eye toward the future. Christmas is a time of much gift giving and once you have all of yours wrapped, why not add a ribbon to the perfect gift - forgiveness. Forgiveness. Hmmm.How much better off we would be if we could forgive others. Maybe it’s the drivers who annoy us, the waiter who ignores us, friends whose Continue Reading
My Own Secret Santa
I finally sat down and wrote out a couple of dozen Christmas cards. Oh I know, that’s not many to some folks, but it’s a couple of dozen more than I said I was going to send this year, because I’ve had a case of the good old holiday blues. So it felt good to think about each person I was writing to while reliving the relationships. Whether your family lights an advent candle or a menorah, the holiday season is one usually filled with great emotion. Preparing special foods, filling the home with Continue Reading
Can You Ever Have Too Much Nice?
Everyone needs a Coffee Jam in their neighborhood. Think of it as the TV bar Cheers, where everyone knows your name, but without a liquor license, and instead of people bellying up to the bar, they hunker down in one of the over-stuffed chairs, or around one of the glass tables, and enjoy a delicious sandwich or bowl of soup with their favorite cup of coffee. I had driven past the place for a couple of years, but never felt the urge to visit as I don’t drink coffee. Then someone suggested Continue Reading