Kids ran barefoot through the grass. Families picnicked with chicken and salad. Six year olds plied money from grandpas for ice cream – it was fun to watch how easy that worked. Blankets, folding lawn chairs and picnic tables – this was my first concert in the park for the year and what a wonderful summer evening it was.Most drove, many biked and some walked. Pugs, boxers, golden retrievers and springer spaniels, but the bichon frise turned the most heads, however, mutts seemed Continue Reading
When Marriage Inequality Impacts Your Family
It’s funny how your emotions can just take over sometimes, isn’t it? Catch you off guard, shake you up a bit? When I heard the news about the Supreme Court’s decision on marriage equality, I started to cry. No, not an uncontrollable tearful explosion, but the light gentleness of tears trickling down my face, just enough for me to reach for a Kleenex.In December, 2005, I attended the commitment ceremony between my niece, Melissa, and her partner, Jessie. To be fair, I was a bit uncomfortable as I Continue Reading
Birthdays – Past, Present and Future
I recently celebrated my birthday, and thanks to Mark Zuckerberg, I heard from many high school classmates, former coworkers, relatives near and far, and many others who wished me Happy Birthday and truly, I was grateful about that. But as I enjoyed some angel food cake and berries that night, I reflected on birthdays past, and then became fully aware that unless God has other plans for me, I have celebrated at least two thirds of my birthdays already. My mind began to anticipate birthdays in Continue Reading
Finding Life in the Cemetery
For the life of me, I don’t understand why I find so much inspiration and enjoyment in a cemetery. Oh don’t worry, I’m not plot shopping. But I have to confess, the older I get, I do find cemeteries more intriguing.On Wednesday, I visited the little known Camp Chase, a confederate cemetery on the west side of Columbus, Ohio. It is a well maintained, neatly enclosed final resting place for more than 2100 souls who were held captive at this Civil War Union POW camp. I’d learned about this while Continue Reading