A month ago or so, I wrote about going home, and asked, can we ever go home again? I was on my way to my small hometown in Wisconsin where I was raised and educated, and flew the coop the first chance I had (1976). Yet, it has always been home. My parents are buried there, I have several school friends who live in the area, and fortunately, my sister and several members of her family remain there. In 2001, after having lived in several other towns and cities for work, I moved to the Lansing, Continue Reading
Going Home -Part 1
Can you ever go home again? And what does that mean to you? I ask because in a couple of days, I’m on my way home. Oh, not permanently, but for a brief visit, enough to conjure up warm memories that are already making me a bit gooey inside. The smell of spray starch when I bounded in from school and chatted with my mom while she did the ironing.The slap, slap of the cards on the dining room table as Dad played solitaire every night.The snow forts we’d make in the winter when the snow plow Continue Reading
Why Couer d’alene?
I always like to take some time to reflect on a vacation and now that we’ve been back from our trip to Couer d’alene (CDA), Idaho, for a week, it’s time for my review. CDA is a city of 45,000 on Interstate 90, and easy to get to from the Spokane, WA airport. Amtrak also stops at nearby Sandpoint and Spokane. It's also a four-hour drive southwest of Glacier National Park. The focal point is Lake Couer d’alene, a large all-sports lake, with a beautiful resort sitting on its edge, featuring a Continue Reading
No trauma, just drama
Perfect conditions It was time for the great adventure, Kayaking 101. The temperature was around 80, clear blue sky, the slightest of a breeze. As soon as Kathy and I saw our guide, we simultaneously let out a whew. Johnny had some size, and he’d be able to save us. Further, he had the calmest, friendliest disposition you could want when your anxiety is creeping past the take three deep breaths stage. These were the perfect conditions for our first kayaking experience. After the brief Continue Reading