At some point every day, he (or she) pauses at the patio door, sneers at me, and scampers off the deck. At first I was enamored by his wink, until I realized he wasn’t flirting with me, he just has one eye. Really - a one eyed chipmunk! Cheeks stuffed with food for the underground pantry, this brazen rodent is part of the gang that has overrun our neighborhood this year, to the point I want to scream “ALVIN”. My neighbor even invested in rat traps to snag a few. Summer seems to be the season of Continue Reading
The Palm Reader
I had my palm read the other night. Have you ever done that? Or had your cards read? This is not my idea of sound financial investing, but it’s as good as some other options these days. And this was all for a good cause, so I figured, why not. A friend and I were attending a small fund raising picnic for a local woman’s center, and sitting quietly under a magnificent maple in the lush garden was a palm reader/ numerologist. Out of the blue, my friend jumped up and declared "It’s time Continue Reading
Welcome to my Blog!
Welcome to my head!I grew up in the era of pinball machines. I didn’t play them often - they usually weren't located where I hung out, but when I did, I loved to release the shooter, hoping the shiny, silver ball would sound all sorts of bells and whistles, scoring more and more points. I’d activate the flippers to extend the game and add some good old fashioned body English that my older brother taught me, but eventually, the ball would roll to the inner recesses of the machine, and that round Continue Reading