My good friend Kathy recently told me I had an old soul. She could immediately tell by the look of dismay on my face that I wasn’t complimented.“No, no, that’s not a bad thing,” she tried to defend herself.“It’s never a good thing when old is used to describe me,” I responded, not letting her off the hook.Well, guess what I’ve discovered? I do have an old soul, and how do I know this? Because I took the 10 question Facebook survey and who could possibly do a more credible job of assessing my Continue Reading
Hanging On By A Thread – Arches National Park
Look closely - can you find the rappeler? Finally, in the last hour of the last park on our national park tour, we came upon what we’d been looking for since we entered the parks a few days earlier. In the distance, hanging on by a thread – rock climbers. Or in this case, a single climber rappelling with such speed, I could barely capture the photo. As I walked closer, I could tell it was a woman with her husband, son and dog at the bottom waiting for her. The Arches Continue Reading
Breathless in Bryce
Bryce Canyon National Park took my breath away. The stars are the hoodoos (odd-shaped pillars of rock left standing from the forces of erosion), and from the first time I saw photographs of the terrain many years ago, I knew I wanted to visit. It is a stunning landscape. But at an altitude of 9100 feet, I was not functioning at my best (point of reference – a mile is 5280 feet). Lansing is 820 feet, Madison is 741 feet! The thin air caught both of us just trying to catch our breath a bit, Continue Reading
Wrapped in Rock – Zion National Park
As soon as we entered the park, I felt her reach out to me as if to say welcome; strong and chiseled, but softened by time and weather. For twelve miles, we navigated the narrow road, with switchbacks and tunnels, but she was never far from my side. At times, I could reach out the window and almost scrape my knuckles, she was that close. This was Zion National Park, and I felt as if I was wrapped in rock, in a gentle, caressing kind of way.Zion is an interactive Continue Reading