This getting older phase of life has a way of sneaking up on me, at times when I least expect it. Last month, the reality hit me, when the service delivery van arrived in my driveway. Senior Home Health Services.WHAT????Let me back up a bit. In my early 40’s, I finally had to make an appointment with an eye doctor. There was nothing wrong with my vision, but my arms just weren’t long enough anymore, so I was fitted with my first pair of glasses. For reading of course, but because one eye is Continue Reading
What Do I Really Want for 2015?
So long 2014, hello 2015,I started 2014 at the Tournament of Roses Parade followed by an MSU win at the Rose Bowl, and the rest of the year followed the theme - everything came up roses. Well, at least it seemed that way. Other highlights: Participated in the Erma Bombeck Writing Workshop and returned home vowing never to write about menopause. (A common theme I discovered).Traveled to the southwest US and visited the national parks in Arizona and Utah; Traveled throughout North Continue Reading
Forgiveness – The Perfect Gift
Merry Christmas!As you gather with family and friends, may you use this time of reflection, joy and celebration to take a quick glimpse back and cast a hopeful eye toward the future. Christmas is a time of much gift giving and once you have all of yours wrapped, why not add a ribbon to the perfect gift - forgiveness. Forgiveness. Hmmm.How much better off we would be if we could forgive others. Maybe it’s the drivers who annoy us, the waiter who ignores us, friends whose Continue Reading
My Own Secret Santa
I finally sat down and wrote out a couple of dozen Christmas cards. Oh I know, that’s not many to some folks, but it’s a couple of dozen more than I said I was going to send this year, because I’ve had a case of the good old holiday blues. So it felt good to think about each person I was writing to while reliving the relationships. Whether your family lights an advent candle or a menorah, the holiday season is one usually filled with great emotion. Preparing special foods, filling the home with Continue Reading