"I am so sorry to be calling you so late but we have just received news...". By this time, I was fully awake, even though the clock said only 1:00 AM on the last night of our cruise.Fortunately, it wasn't anything personal, but rather the Rome airport had suffered a serious fire and our flight might be in jeopardy, very likely delaying our departure. My thoughts vacillated between "great, more time to explore and eat more pasta" to "damn, I only have one pair of clean undies left". Continue Reading
The Two Hat Tour Stops in Florence
A little update from the Two Hat Tour (occasionally referred to as the Blues Sisters Take the Mediterranean. Jake and Elmwood have nothing on us.) Forgive the lack of pictures. I'm having technical difficulties, and will add when I can. Nothing like a good protest to stir up a day of sightseeing for us, and that's how our day started today. Kathy enjoyed talking with a protester from Nigeria wanting better living conditions for immigrants. She gave fair play to an Italian merchant to get Continue Reading
Hello David? We’re On Our Way.
The suitcases are closed, the reservations confirmed, and the diaper bag is packed. That’s right, a diaper bag. I learned through a trusty tip that a diaper bag with all of its pockets and water proof interior makes a great carry on, so mine first accompanied me a couple of years ago on our trip through Europe. What I hadn’t realized until this trip was that the compartment for wipes (which I never used) makes an incredible candy dispenser! Passports and Snickers. How can we go wrong? Let the Continue Reading
Real or Not, They’re Mine
“Are they real?” she asked. I took a step back as she began to move into my personal space. “As real as I could afford,” I responded only after a long pause and giving her a look that should have been interpreted as “I can’t believe you are asking that question”. I actually thought she was going to reach over and touch them.A long, beautiful strand of black pearls. But were they? They were real imitation black pearls, and I didn’t try to deny it.I suppose I should have been flattered that Continue Reading