As pack rats go, I’m pretty good. I’ve moved enough to unload unused or unwanted items and generally, I try to move stuff on while it still has a useful life for someone else. Well, unless there is an emotional attachment, or a memento from a trip, or fabric I like, or photos … really, I’m not that bad. Okay, I didn’t think I was until I discovered a box not long ago filled with old school papers, including every report card and transcript from first grade through college. I know, I didn’t apply Continue Reading
When Marriage Inequality Impacts Your Family
It’s funny how your emotions can just take over sometimes, isn’t it? Catch you off guard, shake you up a bit? When I heard the news about the Supreme Court’s decision on marriage equality, I started to cry. No, not an uncontrollable tearful explosion, but the light gentleness of tears trickling down my face, just enough for me to reach for a Kleenex.In December, 2005, I attended the commitment ceremony between my niece, Melissa, and her partner, Jessie. To be fair, I was a bit uncomfortable as I Continue Reading
Birthdays – Past, Present and Future
I recently celebrated my birthday, and thanks to Mark Zuckerberg, I heard from many high school classmates, former coworkers, relatives near and far, and many others who wished me Happy Birthday and truly, I was grateful about that. But as I enjoyed some angel food cake and berries that night, I reflected on birthdays past, and then became fully aware that unless God has other plans for me, I have celebrated at least two thirds of my birthdays already. My mind began to anticipate birthdays in Continue Reading
How Did Spinach Get Into My “Joy of Retirement” Guide?
Sometimes, I am as giddy as a seven year old, and I love it. Today was a perfect example as I discovered the spinach seeds I planted a week ago have now pushed through the earth. See what I mean? Don’t they usually conduct experiments in school like this when kids are about seven? I’m not even apologizing for my exuberant enthusiasm.I know, I know… my desires to dance a little and titter like a school child may have been a bit overboard, but for years, I’ve wanted a small vegetable garden. Time, Continue Reading