When is the last time you have seen the masses so up in arms over the killing of an animal? Over any issue? It’s been just a few days since the news broke that Cecil, a beloved lion in Zimbabwe, and part of a research project, was lured out of a protected area only to meet his slow, agonizing death at the hands of Dr. Palmer, who was participating in a hunt organized by local guides. Everyone knows the story, and has an opinion, but I’ve been curious as to why this story has fired up so many Continue Reading
Wake Me When the News is Over
Last week was a rugged week for me when it came to the national news. Depressed and disillusioned, I decided to address this by becoming a hermit in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Those plans were thwarted when I realized I’m not good at chopping wood, or hunting or catching my own food, so I opted to pursue Plan B, and I went in search of one on our many beaches on Michigan’s 3126 miles of coastline (most of any state) to stick my head in the sand. But then I got hungry for more than worms and Continue Reading
Reflections From the Train
I love taking the train and I could probably be a spokesperson for Amtrak. I’ve learned that three things are important before you even step on the platform: patience, flexibility, and of course, a sense of adventure. Travel with me on a trip to Chicago. The Lebanese woman behind me talks in Arabic to her friend, four rows in front and across the aisle. I know she's Lebanese because she told me - very friendly, and I return her smile. She finally walks up to get a snack that has smells I can't Continue Reading
A Slice of Americana
Kids ran barefoot through the grass. Families picnicked with chicken and salad. Six year olds plied money from grandpas for ice cream – it was fun to watch how easy that worked. Blankets, folding lawn chairs and picnic tables – this was my first concert in the park for the year and what a wonderful summer evening it was.Most drove, many biked and some walked. Pugs, boxers, golden retrievers and springer spaniels, but the bichon frise turned the most heads, however, mutts seemed Continue Reading