I stood patiently in line, trying not to look too anxious. I kept my eyes focused on the man ahead of me, with a slight smile across my face. Mentally, I was far, far away; so far, the impending winter storm warnings meant nothing to me. I hoped no one saw the twitch in my upper lip. Soon it was my turn, and I shuffled forward. “Five Powerball tickets please,” I said, and held out my $5 bill, resting my hand on the counter so it wouldn’t shake. “That will be ten dollars,” the nice man Continue Reading
New Year, New Resolution
Four days into the New Year, I have finally figured out my resolution for 2016. Nope, not weight loss – been there, failed that; stop drinking or smoking – don’t do either; stop procrastinating? It’s taken me 60+ years to master that so I’m not about to change. My resolution for 2016? Increase my attention span. Yep, seriously. You see, mine has dramatically diminished over the past few years and I want it back, and I’m not blaming it on aging stuff this time. It’s not my memory (though Continue Reading
The Faces of Christmas
My approach to Christmas this year was no different from years past – decorating the tree (and wimpering over each special ornament), spending an afternoon baking (followed by a day of over indulging), a little shopping (grabbing door buster specials just for me), and writing out cards (signing up for an e-card service) which all led to my wallowing in a brief pitty party. My holiday is not the one pictured on any Hallmark card, even if I add the glitter. Then I met Jane (not her real name). Continue Reading
A Middle Age Merry Christmas
“I’ve decided I’m not buying my grandchildren Christmas presents anymore,” my sister-in-law told me. “I’m just going to start passing down my things.” “Oh my Lord, you’ve become Grandma,” I declared, remembering my own grandma’s tradition, and my disappointment when I got an engraved serving spoon when I was 16. This began the long weekend, as four of us, all sexagenarians, gathered for the first time in three years. It was like a bad stand up act for 60+ year olds who hadn’t seen each Continue Reading