The world would be a better place if we had more fishermen and women, I am convinced of it. Especially if they're like my friend, Ron, and his long time fishing buddy, Henry. It doesn't matter how much patience you have, how many gizmos and gadgets you buy, or how many rods you cast, you still have minimal control on the outcome. Yet, at the next opportunity, you are ready to go out again. More of us need to be content with knowing we cannot control the outcome, no matter how hard we try and how Continue Reading
Two Down…
One hundred and one, you never looked so good. When I started My Patchwork Journey, my goal was a weekly post for two years. Could I do it? Well, I didn’t exactly hit that mark, or this would be my 104th post. But am I happy with 101? You bet. Am I happy I made it two years? Absolutely. (I had this ready to go for 100, but then Ryan Lochte gave me inspiration that needed to be dealt with last week.) Thank you for going on this journey with me. It’s always an anxious moment when I hit the Continue Reading
Why Every Parent Should Write a Note of Thanks to Ryan Lochte
Unless you’ve been living in the woods for a week, you know the story of Ryan Lochte, 32, and his buds, Jimmy, 26, Jack, 21, and Gunner, 20. And if you are a parent getting ready to send your child off to school, from kindergarten to college, you need to write Ryan a letter of thanks. When is the last time we’ve seen a single situation provide so many defining lessons about decision making and consequences, doing the right thing, and qualities of a friend? He's made Parenting 101 so much easier Continue Reading
The Olympics of My Adulthood
The Summer Olympics has captured my attention this past week, and it was a nice trip down memory lane in my last post when I recalled the active days of my youth and adolescence. I felt the scar on my foot from a bike accident, and I remembered my own experience with cupping a few years ago that left dark circles on my shoulders just like swimmer Michael Phelps and gymnast Alexander Naddour. Except mine was for the treatment of age related bursitis, not an overuse due to hours swimming or in Continue Reading