A couple of years ago, my friend, Kathy, and I were exchanging ideas about artists or entertainers we’d each like to see. She responded quickly – Michael W. Smith. I gulped a little. Now, if you don’t know him, he is a composer, musician and singer of Christian songs (not to be confused with the Christian hymns I grew up with); more specifically “praise” music – the kind that really lights a fire under many of his listeners. I heard quite a bit of this music when I attended the small Continue Reading
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving! It’s absolutely my favorite holiday and this week, I was overwhelmed as I thought of the blessings in my life, and remembered past Thanksgivings. 1975 – Prepared the meal for the rest of my family along with my sister, Judy, in her Madison apartment. I was the Home Ec major and proud of the turkey we presented. Oldest sister, Barb: “Where are the giblets?” Youngest sister, Pam, with all the confidence she could muster: “This turkey had no giblets.” Look from Continue Reading
Thank You, Aunt Lorraine
Everyone needs an Aunt Lorraine. Born on 111222 as she liked to say, she’s been on my mind for several days, and I’m celebrating her 94th birthday as I write this, though she “stepped out” several years ago (her expression). She was the picture of hard work, waking every day at 5:00AM; self-sufficiency, who held herself accountable to high standards; and perseverance, as she quietly fought gender issues in the late 40’s and early 50’s while in med school and early in her career. She relied on Continue Reading
It’s Not Too Late
It’s not too late. Whatever you want to do, want to try, want to sample, it’s not too late. That’s the story of my retirement, and it should be your story as well. It’s not just about time, but self-discovery, and exploring the resources available and how to access them. I have friends who discovered the joys of hand thrown pottery, others who have become avid kayakers and bicyclists, and even one who is performing stand-up comedy for the first time in her life. I’m extremely envious of all of Continue Reading