I am good at many things, but if I'm your caregiver, you drew the short straw. I think every double helix of nurturing DNA was distributed to my older sisters and brother with little left for me. Add to this, every illness or injury I’ve ever had could be treated with over-the-counter meds, popsicles, or an ice pack. I know. I’m lucky. But not so much for my friend Kathy, and I’m her caregiver as she recovers from major back surgery. They fused so much stuff, I fear she'll never be able to Continue Reading
Lessons Learned in a Hospital Waiting Room
I spent nine hours in a surgical waiting room today and if that's not a lesson in perspective, nothing is. A microcosm of American culture. Young, old, different races and ethnicities, rich, poor and everything in between. This waiting room had five TVs, each turned to a different network, as if to oblige each party. Me? I sat in a quiet corner and observed. That's what I do. Along with my book, IPad, and knitting, but no need for TV with such interesting characters. I understood the woman in Continue Reading
So long January. Don’t come back.
Dear January, This is hard for me, but I need to tell you that I want to break up. Ever since the first day we met, you have been nothing but a cloud hanging over me. Even my friends and family members have complained about your influence. There have been times that I got excited because you assured me a little light was right around the corner, but you couldn’t even deliver on those promises. Last night was the last straw when you gave me nothing but a cold shoulder. Then there was what Continue Reading
Precious Lord, Take My Hand
When I started my blog in 2014, I vowed I would never write about politics or religion. Today, I am writing about both. Recently, every attempt I’ve made to write something light and personal has come out trivial and hollow, (more so than usual) so forgive me while I veer off course with this post. I was moved when I went to church on Sunday and we sang Martin Luther King Jr.’s favorite song, “Precious Lord, Take My Hand”. This song has never had the same impact on me as it did today, the day Continue Reading