Hasta la vista, sayonara, au revoir, auf Wiedersehen, 再见, Hágoónee'. Whether in Spanish, Japanese, French, German, Chinese or Navajo, it all translates to the same thing. Good bye, so long, outta’ here. And I might add, don’t let the door hit you on the way out. Right? What can a 2020 year-end post say? I chuckled as I read letters received with Christmas cards this year, and suddenly found my inspiration. For the first time, I discovered a pattern I’d not noticed before and I wondered if Continue Reading
Holiday Sadness – It’s Okay
Thanksgiving is just a few days away and begins the month-long tradition of holiday celebrations. Typically fun, joyous occasions for many people, even the most irritable in the crowd find reasons to enjoy. But this year, for families and individuals following coronavirus protocol, expectations are challenging. As a result, this has become a time of increased anxiety and sadness for many people. I hear it in their voices and read about it on their social media posts. This has hit my family Continue Reading
Carrie’s Quest on Sale
Have I got a deal for you! Beat the Black Friday specials. Carrie's Quest is now on sale for a limited time - from now until Thanksgiving. Paperback is $9.99 (regularly $14.99) E-version is $4.69 (regularly $5.69) Personalized version - $17.50, includes shipping and handling. Leave a comment in the Reply section below, and I will contact you for arrangements. "Carrie's holiday plans with her family were coming together, and they agreed they'd celebrate Christmas the day after Continue Reading
Call me Bierka
People have asked me "how did you write a book" or "what was your process" or "when did you decide to become a writer?" First, I'm not even sure I am a writer, except that a week ago, I attended the three-day Erma Bombeck Writing Workshop, virtually of course. It was my third trip to the conference, and yes, Erma confirmed I am a writer, in a twisted, paranormal telepathic whisper. Writing is not a simple process for me, nor anyone, I imagine. My style is best described in the following Continue Reading