Dear Pamela, Our records indicate that you began contributing to Social Security at age 18, with money deducted from your personal paychecks. This continued until you retired and withdrew from the work force, 44 years later. We also understand that up until now, you have always believed that you were entitled to this money to supplement your retirement funds. But there is a new world order in place now (NWO) and government entitlements are being eliminated. Therefore, we are now asking Continue Reading
The passing of a musical great
What role does music play in your life? Have you always been a lover or more luke-warm to the medium? Maybe I should ask this – how many pop songs over time have you been able to sing along with, knowing all the words? Truthfully, as music lovers go, I’m on the lower end, and I’ve aways blamed my stunted appreciation of the art on my mother. I also acknowledge, I’ve had 50+ years to overcome that. At a recent concert, I realized I was one of about five people that didn’t know every word to Continue Reading
Traveling during the holidays
Happy New Year! How has your holiday season been? Filled with family celebrations, gifts galore, wrapping paper strewn here and there? Too much food, too many calories and too many leftovers? But that isn't everyone's holiday. It certainly isn't mine, nor my friend, Kathy's. So what did we do instead? Travel. And travel we did, creating memories that will last longer than whatever the Amazon truck might deliver. Switzerland, two weeks, criss-crossing the country by train. Wow. Every Continue Reading
To the Beckys and Ruthannes, thank you
Thanksgiving week – a time of year I try to reflect on all those things I’m grateful for, and this year is no different, but truthfully, I’m having to dig a bit deeper. I lost a friend from my writing circle this past weekend, and sadly, she’s the second our group lost in 2024. Yet I’m grateful for the joy and love and wisdom they each shared that will continue to surround all of us who knew them. Both, shining lights. Another dear friend recently received a lousy health diagnosis, yet her Continue Reading