My recent Road Scholar trip was absolutely amazing. In my mind, Iconic National Parks from the Grand Tetons to Banff played out in three acts. Act One - The parks. Mountains, lakes, rivers, streams, hot springs, geysers, mudpots, fumaroles, canyons, waterfalls, rocks being formed, gorges, prairies and plains, icefields and glaciers. We saw (and learned about) it all. Yellowstone takes the cake in having the most varied topography. I'd never been there so everytime I saw some earth bubbling Continue Reading
Aging is a humbling experience
I'm headed to my first Road Scholar experience next week, and I couldn't be more excited. Are you familiar with the program? Their mission is to inspire adults to learn, discover and travel. It used to be called Elderhostel and I first became aware of the program 35 years ago when my aunt went on a couple of trips. They were of course, for old people. Aging is a humbling experience, isn't it? And now I'm going on a trip for old people. You get the Continue Reading
My Night with the Psychic
A week ago, I was part of a large audience (200-300 people) who had each plunked down some cash to hear Mollie Morning Star. Yes, that’s her real name. And I’m not sure if hear is the correct word. Maybe see, definitely experience. It was part of the book festival I was attending in my small Wisconsin hometown. When my sister asked me if I wanted to go, I didn't hesitate. This would be great writing material. Plus we were both interested in seeing the lovingly restored Temple Theater where I Continue Reading
Spring Training – Long Gone
Baseball. A long-time sign of spring as much as early crocus, sneezing, and if you live in the north, a snowstorm. The crocuses will make way for other plants, the sneezing will wane, and the snow will melt. But baseball is just getting started and for the month of March, spring training is our tease of the promise our favorite teams might hold for the upcoming season. I have just concluded my first year as a volunteer at the Surprise, Arizona ballpark, spring home of the Kansas Continue Reading